Pittsburgh, PA

David Skamai, DPT

Doctor of Physical Therapy

David is a physical therapist located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He utilizes a hands-on, fitness-oriented approach. David stategically builds upon each session to help you perform even better than your pre-injured state.

The Process

Diagnose. A thorough examination is performed to determine the source of the problem.

Treat. Interventions are hand-picked to address your specific diagnosis and goals.

Re-assess. Movement is re-assessed after each intervention to make sure the intended change has been achieved.

Progress. Once the benefit of a current treatment is maximized, you will be progressed to the next step.

Physical Therapy

Each session is 1 hour of 1-on-1 direct care. David utilizes a combination of hands-on treatment and exercise. You will receive continuous assessment and progression of treatment as your symptoms evolve.


  • Neck Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Headaches
  • Running Injuries
  • Cycling Injuries
  • Weight-lifting injuries
  • Sports-related injuries

Personal Training

Personal training sessions are designed for your specific activity-related goals. Each session is 1-on-1 and 1 hour in length.


  • Injury Prevention
  • Strength Training
  • Speed/Agility Training
  • Mobility Exercise
  • Barbell training
  • Runners
  • Cyclists
  • Youth Athletics
  • Longevity

Running Analysis

Slow-motion video analysis is used to analyze your running mechanics and detect where strengthening and mobility interventions are needed the most. This is beneficial for runners rehabilitating from an injury, or those aiming to prevent injury and improve performance. You will receive a recorded copy the analysis, as well as exercises to address mechanical abnormalities.

Areas analyzed:

  • Stride length
  • Cadence
  • Forward Trunk Lean
  • Hip, Knee, and Ankle Positioning
  • Foot pronation/supination
  • Stance Width
  • Pelvic Stability
A Person Lifting a Kettlebell

1 hour

Every session

1-1 ratio

Just you and your therapist

Chat with David



Perform Physio - North Park

2330 Wildwood Road

Wildwood, PA 15091

(Within the North Park Sports Complex)

Tel. (412) 376-5177

Email: davidjskamai@gmail.com

Office Hours

Monday to Friday

8:00 am to 7:30 pm

Weekends by appointment

Follow David

Instagram: @davidskamaidpt